Friday, September 3, 2010

How To Get Free Credit Bureau Report

Many consumers want to know how to get a free credit bureau report online? It really is not that hard. Take away the for profit sites such as "" and the many others who use keywords in their search, such as free credit report, and you will find resources to help you that will not cost you a penny.

The truth is that each year consumers are able to get a free annual credit report at no cost as mandated by the federal government. This way Experian, Transunion, and Equifax are required by law to issue you a copy of your free credit report if you request it. That is the key, you must request a copy of your credit bureau file from one or all 3 of the major consumer credit reporting agencies in order to get your free copy. These companies are not going to tell you about this service if you do not ask.

The FTC has made sure that all Americans have the right to a free credit bureau report each year and in this econmomy credit is more important then ever. Many lenders have tightened their cash availability and this is a direct response from all of the mortgage forclosures and defaults on loans. It is very important you know what is in your credit file and make sure that there are no mistakes that could result in a lowering of your credit score.

The end result is knowing is better then hoping. If you have mistakes contained within your file, they can be corrected. You can send a letter of dispute and have these errors removed within 30 days thus raising your credit score. I have more information regarding credit bureau reports and contact numbers which you can find here.

Credit Bureau Numbers And Addresses

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